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Who We Are

Case for Endowment

Endowment Overview

In addition to annual grant funding of about $100,000, Chatham Education Foundation (CEF) established an endowment to address increasing strains on the School District of the Chathams.  A Permanent Endowment, by producing a reliable stream of income, will bring increased stability and longevity to grant funding, as well as the ability to increase the absolute level of grants.  A Term Endowment will help the School District of the Chathams deal with inevitable budget shocks resulting from unpredictable New Jersey State funding levels.  We hope that CEF’s donors will contribute to the endowment and continue their history of strong philanthropic support for our schools.

Our Impact

  • Years of Service


  • Grants Provided


  • Lifetime Grant $ Awarded


  • Students Impacted Annually


Photo Credit to Glenn Clark for Mozart Requiem Photos

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